FAQ 02: Does DCPE teach Python programming? I can’t find it in the module list. I only find “Introduction to Engineering Programming”, where C++ is mentioned. What is C++? Why C++? 

DCPE does teach Python programming, but not as a standalone module. It is part of the “ET0732 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence”, a module under the year-3 specialization “Computer Applications”. All EEE students (including DCPE students) learn C++ programming (ET1025 Introduction to Engineering Programming), a more “structured” programming language in year-1 (“structured” in the sense that the control in coding is tighter, for example, variables need to be declared first before use). C++ is a very popular programming language especially in the engineering applications. Many resources from the internet are written in C++. C++ will be used again in many year-2 and year-3 modules of DCPE, hence it is essential to learn C++ in year-1. Having mastered C++, the learning of Python is relatively easy. In fact, in ET0732, the students will learn Python programming in just 2 weeks because of their strong foundation in programming from C++!!!