FAQ 05: What is so special about SP’s Diploma in Computer Engineering (DCPE, S53)?

SP’s Diploma in Computer Engineering (DCPE) has the largest intake among computer engineering diploma courses in Singapore. DCPE’s intake size is 200+ students per year, a few times larger than the other similar courses. As a result, DCPE can offer different year-3 specializations to cover every aspect of Computer Engineering (hardware, software, security, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing), and let the students choose one specialization based on their interest, strength and career plan. In short, DCPE provides a comprehensive coverage and flexibility of specialisation choices. This allows the students to keep their future career/study option open, i.e. flexibility and opportunities. When DCPE graduates apply for universities’ degree programmes or jobs, they can choose Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information Security, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, or Data Science/AI. There are at least 17 degree programmes from local universities that DCPE graduates may apply for.